Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Recently Acquired Knowledge

We all learn something new every day. Isn't it amazing that there is so much, uh...stuff out there to learn about that you can learn something new each day? Even then we can't learn it all, nor have we even begun to learn it all. Oh well. All I can say is take what you do know with you, and constantly investigate the universe to learn new stuff (deep thought for today). I learned something today. I can't think of what it is right now, but that's not what I want to talk about anyway. What I want to talk about is what I learned yesterday. What I learned is simple. It's not a secret to the universe or anything, however, it is very useful. This is the proper way to eat animal crackers...

1) Take a package of animal crackers and select, approximately, how many you would like to eat by reaching into the package and taking some out.

2) Separate the crackers into stacks, each species of animal in a different stack.

3) Arrange the stacks into alphabetical order according to the names of each animal.

4) Begin eating crackers from the stacks that have a greater number of crackers, starting with your least favorite animal and working up.

5) Once the stacks have an equal number of crackers, you may then proceed to eat them, again starting with your least favorite animal on up.

I'm sure you can apply this to many different foods, but I haven't learned that yet. Maybe that'll be tomorrow.


Blogger Michael-Fay said...


That is of course a term of endearment. I think that is the greatest thing to ever learn.

By the way... you're weird.


Blogger Adam said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you eat them that way mikey... obviously it's the only logical and proper way to eat animal crackers. Man, whoever taught you that must be a genius -lindsay

Blogger Smess said...

I love you deeply Sends...although I've found a better way to eat animal crackers, but I'll save it for you on a day when you are in dier need of learning something new.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsay, I didn't know you read my blog. I am deeply touched. By the way, thank you for teaching me how to eat animal crackers. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Melodie, maybe we should all comment to you on Mikey's blog. That way people would read it! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! I just learned something new!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no way we can get 15 comments on here.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muwahahaha! I will rule the world as soon as...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the number of comments...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...reaches 20. Muwahahahaha!!!

Blogger Adam said...

You're so vain Mikey. This is like a "vanitas" blog

Blogger Adam said...

Yes David :-) Although I was focusing more on the vanity part of the compositions and not so much on the mortality part ;-)

And what's with Mikey commenting on his own blog? I mean seriously. That's like comment padding or something.

Blogger Michael-Fay said...


I don't know about this comment frenzy. I mean, Sends is amazing (a stellular performance of a man, if you will), but let's not get carried away. I mean Melodie is a fragile flower; we should not be so quick to judge her lack of cemment-ability. She has feelings too, ya know!

Um, Comment No. 27... :)

He He He

Blogger Parris said...

You know that 28 is a perfect number...

Add up all of its factors, less itself, and the sum is equal to the number itself. 1 + 2 + 14 + 4 + 7 = 28

Yeah to comment number 28!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I just wanted to catch up on what was going on.... I guess what I am going to read about is Animal Crackers! How the hell do you get 35 (well I guess 36 now!) posts on a blog about the proper way to eat an amimal craker???

All I have left to say is:
"Truely Brilliant!"


PS Duhhhh didn't anyone else separate them into their proper Domain, Kingdom, then Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and finally Species and then eat from there? I do!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave said...
Well I guess I'm a day late and a dollar short. I not really sure if that makes sense though cause I'm more like a month late and money really has nothing to do with this but let's just keep those fact to our selves.


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