I'm Beat
5 hours of pure studying will take it out of you, especially if what you are studying for is geomechanics; and it will without a doubt if you studied for hydrology for about 6.5 hours the previous day and you just got finished emptying your mind on paper for that test as well as another. But the good news is that it paid off because I'm pretty sure I did well on both of those tests. Tomorrow brings the geomechanics test and a world religions anthology test. After that, the only things left are an art history test on Monday, an ethics paper due Tuesday, a world religions test the following Monday, and a steel design project/presentation due the following Tuesday. With any luck, I won't have to take a geomechanics final.
As I said before I'm over my terrible freak sickness. However, I am now having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. Oh man, does it ever stop?
In random news, Matthew Morris and Robert Strojan want to start an apartment blog. Yea, two people who told me they would never ever start a blog even if it meant saving their lives. Speaking of our apartment, it is totally decked out for Christmas. Check out this quality tree.

As I said before I'm over my terrible freak sickness. However, I am now having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. Oh man, does it ever stop?
In random news, Matthew Morris and Robert Strojan want to start an apartment blog. Yea, two people who told me they would never ever start a blog even if it meant saving their lives. Speaking of our apartment, it is totally decked out for Christmas. Check out this quality tree.
I can see the news headline now: "Freak Electrical Fire Kills Civil Engineering Student in His Sleep." Of course, the headline in the school paper will include more mis-spellings than that.
Many people have told me that our Christmas tree is really sad looking. But I think you guys don't realize how big this tree is. Look again
In the words of David Yeiser: "I'll cheesy mug shot you both."
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