What if...?
I really don't remember what it was like to have a dad. My parents got divorced when I was…actually I don't really know how old I was, but I know I was young. My best guess is that I was about 8 or 9. What did my father and I do before then? I learned how to play baseball, he drove me fast in his turbo charged Ford Conquest. Beyond that, I don't know. After they were divorced, my sister and I got to see him quite frequently because he did not live too far away. Eventually however, he no longer lived so close. He moved to New York, then to Pennsylvania, then to Ohio, and finally to Maryland. Over the passed 10 years or so (I'm just guessing) I haven't seen my dad more than once every year. Every time I see him, I am more and more uneasy around him. We don't talk about anything important. Conversation is filled with generalized topics to try to catch up on the passed year of our lives. I don't know my dad anymore. I have wondered what it would be like if my parents didn't get divorced? How much different would my life be right now? Would it be better or worse? I don't know. I've have lived so long without my father that it doesn't really seem to matter anymore. Right now I think that I am content with the way my life is going, and it always goes along just fine until he sends me a birthday or Christmas card. I do just fine when I don't have to think about dad, and this always upsets me. What is he trying to do? Is he trying to mend our long lost relationship? I don't know. It doesn't seem like it when every year he forgets to wish Marissa a happy birthday, or does so a couple months late. Why does he always remember to send me a card on time but not my sister? Do I really want to try to keep a relationship with somebody who doesn't seem to care, with someone who says he wants to change things but never does? I know that dad is not the kind of guy to try to start a relationship, so should it be up to me to get something going? I don't really feel the need to. I've been fine so far, and my mom has got us through everything. Am I being just like my father when I don't do anything? Do I really want to end my relationship with my dad forever? Well, I really don't have one right now to begin with so I guess the question is will I be fine in the future without a relationship with him?