Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Some Thoughts

Wow. My previous blog had a huge turnout in the comment section. I want to thank everyone for putting in their thoughts. But now I guess I will close (unless others would like to continue to comment, or comment on my closing) this discussion.

Someone had commented that I bring up the topic of Protestant-Catholic dating/marriage relationships. I did this, but, I started to talk a lot more about the different Christian denominations. I thought this would be important to discuss as well, because, well, peoples' thoughts in this matter would more than likely affect their decision in the dating process. My thoughts mentioned in my blog entry were rather vague. I think that whether or not a relationship is going to work out between a Protestant and a Catholic is a totally personal decision. If two people are really strong in their beliefs and don't accept anything else, then no, that relationship will not work out. I don't see how it could. However, if two people are willing to put aside denominational disagreements and accept each other, then yes, I believe a relationship is possible. In fact, there have been eye-witness accounts of this (refer to comments of previous blog).

I mentioned how I thought denominations were "stupid"... I don't think I really explained myself very well. What I mean by this is that I think it is stupid that there is so much tension between denominations about our differences. I think this is dwelled on so much that an important fact is totally missed: the fact that we all believe that Jesus Christ is our savior. We have all accepted this and we are all trying to live out our lives the way we believe Jesus said. However, I believe that none of the denominations are going to be completely right in interpreting this. Nor do I believe that any one person can live out fully what their particular denomination teaches. It is human nature to not be perfect. It is my belief that we should then put aside our differences, respect one another's beliefs, realize our similarities and that we are all studying and striving to lead a life the way Jesus showed us, and be "brought to perfection as one".

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Per Request

Because it has been requested, I am going to blog about dating relationships between Protestants and Catholics. You know, I'm really not sure how to talk about this topic, or exactly what I think, but I will attempt to write my random thoughts. Then I will leave this topic open for all of your wonderful comments. So please, comment to your heart's content.

I guess to start out, I will talk a little bit about me. (Remember, this is my blog, and I am selfish.) I am Catholic, and have always been. Up until coming to college, I wouldn't say I didn't know about the different denominations, but I was never exposed to then like I am now. I grew up going to a Catholic grade school and high school. Catholicism was all I ever knew. However, I don't think I ever made an effort to be a true Christian. (There is a difference between calling yourself a Christian and being a Christian.) Now that I have experienced how other people are making this effort, I saw where I was lacking, and still am. The college experience has also brought to my attention the differing beliefs. So now I am trying to find the truth for myself.

I went on a hayride last night where we, of course, road on a trailer with hay, but also talked and sang worship music. Somewhere in the talking part of the night, Dave and I discussed this topic. He and I both agree that all this denomination business is...well I don't know a way to say this without offending anyone so I guess I'll just say it...stupid. He also pointed out scripture to me.

"I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also my be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be BROUGHT TO PERFECTION AS ONE, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me. Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see my glory that you gave me, because you loved me before the foundation of the world. Righteous Father, the world also does not know you, but I know you, and they know that you sent me. I made known to them your name and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them."

John 17:20-26 (NAB)

You might be expecting some brilliant conclusion or solution that I have come up with to solve the world's problems, and this is where I say that I'm really sorry to disappoint you. I do not have a solution. All that I'm thinking right now is that everyone needs to put aside their differences, and "be brought to perfection as one." Of these differences, I think that denomination is one of them. Since I came to college I have changed from the person who just accepted every believe that was thrown at him all his life to the person who is searching for the Truth himself. I believe that there can be only one Truth out there. Which leads me to the conclusion that there can be only one "denomination."

I guess I didn't talk about dating between Protestants and Catholics yet. Hmm...well, I have dated a protestant. We had differing views on some subjects, but I was open to hearing her different views because I am trying to find the Truth. However, this is an imperfect world full of different views. Right now, I am leaning toward the idea that the couple need to have the same beliefs. If the two have differing believes, I do not think there is any way they can have a strong relationship...especially in marriage and when the little ones start coming. *Sigh* Why can't this be a perfect world where we are perfect as one? Well those are my thoughts, short and sweet.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Let's Play Catch Up

Everyone, I am very sorry for not posting in a while. Last week was super busy with studying for quizzes, tests, and doing steel design problems until way after the cows came home. I have some "free time" right now so I'm trying to get in a good post that might last you guys a while. I put free time in quotes because, well, I'm not doing anything right now, but, I really should be. I just really don't feel like it. In fact, I just woke up from a nap...something I never do.

I was thinking about the pros and cons of taking 18 credit hours. I guess some good things about it is that I will be able to graduate with a bachelor's degree in the spring. Another pro is that this definitely keeps my mind occupied and keeps me busy, which I like. Hmm, some bad points...Well, come to think of it, I don't think 18 hours would be nearly as bad if it weren't for this one class I'm taking. You guessed it, steel design. Doing homework for this class is nearly impossible to complete with a decent grade in a decent amount of time. This is mostly because our teacher doesn't like to teach. Every day, we go to class and work on an in-class problem that he hasn't taught us how to do. Or, we go to class, take a quiz on material he hasn't taught us, and then do an in-class problem he hasn't taught us how to do. I think another con to taking 18 hours is the fact that I'm starting to feel really lazy. When we have quizzes and I don't do so hot on them, I start to feel that I'm lazy and I should have prepared for it more. But then I think, no, I couldn't have prepared any better because there is not enough time. Eh, I'm complaining too much. I gotta think positive. Which I don't have a problem doing and I'm not really upset about all this. I was a little, but I'm over it. Life is good. Man check out that beautiful sky outside! :)

I went home this past Friday for my mom's birthday. Her birthday was last Thursday, but the best I could do was make it home on Friday. Me and the fam hung out at the house, took a walk down the road with the neighbors' dogs, opened presents, and watched one of our fav movies, The Parent Trap (my gift to her). I had to come back to Louisville on Saturday though because I had a lot of homework to work on. Check out this picture below from our walk. In case you haven't noticed, I like to take nature pictures. I guess growing up in boofoo will do that to a person. Hmm...I was thinking that I should drop out of Speed School and go into photography. What do you think?


My friend Dave from back home sent me an email regarding the posts entitled God Takes Us Back and A Reflection. He asked if I was going through the same thing he was (described in the email) and I think he pretty much hit the nail right on the head. I asked him if I could post his email to describe what I am going through and he said yes. Here it is below:

Wow that Blog post has gotten pretty big. As I read your post about religion and life, I have come to realize that we both seem to be in the same spot of our faith (for the most part). It's kind of confusing just wanting know the truth and live by it but having problems in both of those areas. Yes, I realize that could descried just about everyone who cares at all about religion. But I think we have a little more in common than that. For one we are both aggressively trying to seek out the truth, and secondly, which I think is causing us a... I don't want to say problem but ... bottle neck of types is that, we were both born and raised Catholic, but now we find ourselves with many protestants and protestant beliefs. Which is not bad but.... While these two sets of religious beliefs are both Christian, I myself have found it hard to try to live by both with a type of compromise between the two, thus as it seems like you, I am confused about my faith life and beliefs. I don't know if you agree with any of this but it is just what I think. However I have not really found any answers for my confusion so I don't have much to tell you. And about your Blog, so many good points were brought up from both faiths that it just confuses me more.

Your Friend in Christ,


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Saturday Evening

This weekend was rather enjoyable, as well as a change of pace from my usual weekend activities. Normally, I would play ultimate at the waterfront, but it will be a little different for a while now. I have taken a vow not to play the game of ultimate until my leg is fully healed. Instead of going down to the waterfront to play Saturday evening, Dave, Adam, and I went to see Garden State. This movie was different in style than most movies I am used to seeing, which I expected from the previews. However, I still highly recommend seeing it. Following the movie, we chilled at Heine Brothers for an hour and a half, each enjoying a different form a caffeine, and talking about the movie, college, and life. It's always good to have a meaningful conversation every once in a while.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

God Takes Us Back

After playing around with my camera at the apartment, I drove back to campus for Bible study at the interfaith center. Matt Parris and Mary led the study. I would say that the topic was what I needed to hear tonight. We read from Exodus 32: 7-14. This told the story of how God forgave his people and did not inflict punishment even though they had turned away from Him and began to worship a golden calf. In 1 Timothy: 12-17, Paul states how grateful he is that God has shown mercy on him, even though he was once a persecutor and an arrogant man. He states, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost." Thirdly, from Luke 15 are the parables of The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son, telling us that God is always showing compassion and reaching for our hearts.

This topic really hit me because I was just talking to Adam about sin yesterday, and how it is so hard to avoid. Especially, the sin of impure thoughts. This is the sin that I believe I struggle with the most. Just walking around campus it is so hard not to have impure thoughts about females that walk by. Of course they don't help my situation out any by dressing the way they do. I really need to work on this, and if you have any suggestions or ways to help, lay them on me. The only thing I know to do right now is pray about it, and to be comforted knowing that God will always take me back.

Ah, yet another masterpiece. I took this picture when walking into the Interfaith Center for Bible Study. I think it was appropriate for tonight.

My New Camera

Hey everyone. Here are some pictures I just took with my new camera. They were taken outside my apartment. Oh, man I'm so excited. Enjoy!!

Our "backyard" as seen from our back porch. Do you think we could toss frisbee here?

The beautiful sky above the Watterson Expressway.

A lovely pot of flowers.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Update Número Dos

I guess this really isn't only my second update, but I just named this post as it is because I have one other post called "An Update". But enough of that nonsense, let's get to the updating...

Classes have definitely taken up so much of my time this semester, but that is definitely to be expected when taking 18 credit hours. I guess I will apologize in advance for the rest of this semester for not blogging as much as I was. But don't complain too much. When I wrote this post I really wasn't planning on posting anything else. I think I just signed up so I could post non-anonymous comments on other blogs. But look at me now. This is post #32.

Now that classes are back in session, I am back to singing at Masses at the Interfaith Center on campus. I love singing, as you should know by now, and I really enjoy singing church songs. This year we have a lot more musicians which make the musical experience at Mass a lot better. We also have a lot more people coming to church this year. It's great. There must be a lot of Catholic Freshman this year. I'm going to try to keep going to The Vine at Southeast Christian as well, but I usually have so much homework that I don't have time to go there after Mass.

Last weekend I went back to NKY for the WEBN fireworks, which is always fun. Saturday night, me and the gang had a wedding cleanup which I always enjoy because it brings friends together for a few hours. I got to hang out with my friend Ryan on Sunday, which I haven't gotten to do in a while. We watched the UofL vs. KY football game at his house. That was fun. We won 28-0 by the way. That night we went to the fireworks, and Anson, Alicia, and Mark came down from Dayton.

Tomorrow, my new digital camera is due to arrive. Woop Woop!

Take care all.